Saturday, August 15, 2015

Frustrated with virus on your PC & Laptops? Here's the solution for you :)

I have been seeing a lot of frustrated friends in my circle who keeps complaining about how virus has screwed their PCs, & Laptops and which in-turn screwed their lives as well. No wonder, as Laptops and PCs has become the integral part of our life. With internet connection (hi-speed that is!), these gadgets will even surpass our basic needs like Food, Shelter and Clothes.

So, with Laptops and PCs being exposed to the outside world via internet, there are a lot of people whose basic needs is fulfilled by injecting various malicious programs like Virus, Trojans and Malware in your PCs. Wondering how it will fulfil their basic needs? Here is why -

  1. These malicious programs will manipulate your PCs in such a way that, without your consent, your data will be sent to the servers hosted by these spammers. These data can be anything from your photos, browsing history, saved passwords to your document files as well which can be very well sold to either marketing agency or used for frauds.
  2. Hackers and Spammers can also inject some unwanted codes like ad-wares which keeps showing Ads in each and every browsers and every website you visit (Sometime even changes the homepage as well) - another source of income for these spammers
  3. And many more.... No time to mention all here ;)
Now, what can you do to be safe from these type of attacks in your laptops & desktops? Below are the solutions:-
  1. Don't use internet on your laptops and desktops - which is highly unlikely
  2. Use expensive antivirus software subscription and be safe - not viable for all as we can't keep paying for it
  3. Use the free antivirus given by Microsoft - helps to some extent, but not 100% protection
  4. Don't install any programmes from untrusted websites
  5. The most important point - Don't install .exe files from web which says it will help download the software you are looking for - these downloader.exe files will download the malicious software
  6. Read all the installation steps carefully and decline the request to install unnecessary software
In case you are looking for the good antivirus solution for free - Download Avast Antivirus using the link - (Yeah, it's a referral).

What you get?
Once you download the free version of antivirus from the given link, you can send me an email on and I will send you the 1 Year Avast Premier License for Free.(Now that's what you were looking for, isn't it?) The email should be same as the one you used to sign up on Avast, else I won't send the code.

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